History of a happy hermaphrodite

“history of a happy hermaphrodite” performance by Koomah
Fri April 7th @ 9:00pm AND Sat April 8th @ 9:00pm

About the show: Framed around a humorous therapy session with a pet cat; an unapologetic story of trauma, survival, and defiance is formed through a series of short performance vignettes utilizing movement, music, and video. Suggested for ages 18+. Featuring Melelani Petersen as Jack the cat & Stephanie Saint Sanchez as Manba the cat. Assisted by Mo Cortez, Berengaria Navarre, and Kealoha Petersen. Tickets $15 at the door and online via eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/history-of-a-happy-hermaphrodite-tickets-32196233802

*The first half of the show titled “history of a happy hermaphrodite: part 1” was presented at the 2015 Houston Fringe Fest. This is the full performance with part 1 and part 2.