Interfaith Service

Whose bodies are sacred? Which identities are sacred? How do we declare ourselves as sacred?

For many of us, knowing and loving the parts of ourselves that we understand as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and otherwise cannot be disconnected from all the rest of ourselves. For many of us, our spirituality is experienced through the enfolding of ALL of our identities.

Join us at Houston’s annual Pride Interfaith Service in celebrating and affirming the many different people and spiritualities we embody in our LGBTQIA+ community. It’ll be a time of reflection, connection, healing, celebration, and affirmation. Come be a part of our interwoven community of faith this season of Pride.


This is an event of

Pride Interfaith Houston

. Much gratitude to

Rothko Chapel

for generously allowing us to hold this year’s service in their space.

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